Looking For A Customer Service Contact Number?

We Can Help You Find it.

A lot of the time a company’s website is easy to find, but a contact number? Sometimes impossible… CCS has researched some of these numbers for you so you can contact a company quickly and easily.

We currently provide a direct call connection service to the following organisations:

For this service, we charge to connect directly to the company you are looking to contact. Our charge covers the cost of researching, compiling and updating our number database, the telecoms overhead, as well as our advertising.

How to find business contact numbers with CCS?

CCS has a dedicated page for several popular organisations in the UK. All of the information we have is for your convenience. Simply go the Company Directory , and select the organisation you wish to contact. You will find a premium rate number that will connect you directly to that organisation. All calls are charged at £1.55 per minute plus your network access charge.
